4-Day Intermediate Split Workout
Description: The four-times-a-week split is by far the most common intermediate exercise routine. Training four times a week allows three days of rest and means that each muscle is worked twice a week. The advantage of such a routine is that the body recieves 48 hours of rest between workouts.
Workout Data
Days Per Week: 4
Main Workout Goal: Build Muscle
Workout Type: Split
Average Number Of Exercises Per Workout: 9.0
Average Number Of Sets Per Workout: 27.0
4-Day Intermediate Split Workout #2
Description: This is a great 4-Day split routine designed to tone your body and build muscle mass. Training four times a week allows three days of rest and means that each muscle is worked twice a week.
Workout Data
Days Per Week: 4
Main Workout Goal: Build Muscle
Workout Type: Split
Average Number Of Exercises Per Workout: 9.0
Average Number Of Sets Per Workout: 27.0
Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/workout.php?days=%3D+4&goal=&type=Split&exercisenumber=&sets=&order=days&checked=YES